I almost fell off my chair this morning when I saw the date on my computer : June 1st...
June 1st?... It means that the
Spring Fab Fair is at the end of
this week, summer is just to follow
(we NEED sunshine here... badly!) and school is going to be finished soon... so the kids are going to be on holidays... so it's going to be chaos here every day...
After a few minutes of total panic and a cup of strong tea, I decided that everything was fine and I "regrouped "
(as hockey players say on TV... yes, I am becoming more and more Canadian!) while taking a few pictures of my newest creations, some long and funky necklaces called "Guirlandes estivales"
(summer garlands).

I must say that I am really excited to present these necklaces at the Fair this weekend because I think that they absolutely
ROCK! I love the cheerfulness of the bright jade flowers, the warmth of the wood beads, the elegance of the Swarovski crystals, the softness of the silk string around the neck and the whimsicality of the little charms : )

And if I don't sell them this weekend, it's ok, I'll wear them all at the same time this summer and I'll look super cool : )