I am happy to announce that I am finally done with my classes, exams and marking! Yesssss : )
Now it's time to do a bit of Spring cleaning (actually, "a lot" would be more appropriate...) hoping that Spring will eventually come to our part of the globe as we've been under grey and rainy skies for weeks now while I heard that Europe is enjoying sunny days and temperatures over 20 degrees : (
This time of the year is also when I usually throw my "Olala Tea and Jewelry Party" at my house, a little private gathering with friends, friends of friends, daughters of friends and occasionally, mothers of friends (but very rarely husbands of friends as they tend to avoid these kinds of parties...) to celebrate Mother's Day and the arrival of Spring.
As a gift for those of you who won't be with us, I am offering FREE shipping worldwide in my shop until May 8th for orders over $40, and I have put a few items on sale in order to do a bit of "Spring cleaning".... Enjoy : )